
$20 ($15 with Student ID - not necessarily ISU, but it had better look like you or the children will cry at your cheap tricks and petty parsimony)

Change in plans! I will have food and swag for the first 50 to show on December 9th (doors open at 9am). No need to preregister. If you have, good job and I'll hold a swag bag for you. Checks can be made out to MackyDu. Otherwise we'll have some capacity to accept cash. And please no Hundreds, Government Bonds or checks other than from you.

Other Business:
The entire fee goes toward the goal of this event. All other expenses and arrangements are either donated or paid for out of pocket by the sole organizer. So help me out and sign up!

There will be prizes for the top finishers and warm goodies for all afterward in the McFarland Park Conservation Center. Of course I won't turn away anyone due to lack of prep on my part, you may just have to share a donut.